Thursday, May 14, 2009

Major meltdown

Ok when I say major I mean MAJOR.  

Emilee has been trying not to take naps lately, some days it works other days (like yesterday) it didn't work.  Most of the time she'll atleast go in and lay down for about an hour and other days you'll have to go in and wake her up because if it was up to her she'd probably sleep the afternoon away.  Emilee has always been my really good napper.  So I'm sad to see napping with her come to an end.  
But yesterday she NEEDED a nap.  She laid down probably about 30 minutes when she got up I let her lay down with me while I finished watching one of my shows.  She seemed ok.  We had to take Casey his clothes for his 2nd job at Outback (isn't he great!) and she fell asleep in the car.  My case in point that she still needs a nap everyday.  We went down to our neighbors for dinner and she acted great, it wasn't until we got home that the Evil Em came out.  I mistakenly fed the fish without asking her if she wanted to help and boy was that the wrong thing to do.  She then started screaming crying at me so I told her it was time for bed and turned her tv show off.  This marks the next big melt down.  She then goes screaming through the house for Granny, I guess to tell on me.  I put her pull-up on and told her Granny was outside but she couldn't go out there until she stopped crying.  She stopped and we found Granny outside.  I told her to tell Gran goodnight and she started screaming no at me.  To make matters worse our neighbors were outside, I can only imagine what they were thinking.   I brought her inside popped her on her mouth and told her that that's not how we talk to people and it was definitely time for bed.  Still screaming she climbed in bed, I told her I loved her even though she was being ugly and left.  
I was very shocked last night because Emilee never acts like that.  Sure we have fits every now and then but NOTHING like that.  This morning she got up and I went in the living room to tell her good morning and she looked at me and said "Mommy I'm really sorry for being so ugly to you lasterday (this is how she says yesterday)."  My heart melted.  I was not expecting that at all.  I was so proud of her for not only remembering but actually saying it.   I took her to get donuts this morning before preschool and so far today she's been great.  We'll see how she is tonight.
Through the fits and the whining the crying and the clinging, I love my girls and it's hard to remember my life before them.


Lisa and Ryan said...

Addyson had a melt-down day yesterday too and it's not like her either! How old is Emilee?

Katy & Danny said...

Okay, all I can do is laugh and say "welcome to my world EVERY DAY!" She is just practicing her dramatic side. I feel for you :) I'm going to cry the day May stops taking naps!

Mom said...

I hated it when you stopped taking naps. I needed them more than you did. Plus, it was a sign that you were really growing up, and I was not ready for that.
Emilee is a sweetheart. You handle her perfectly, she loves you and knows that you love her no matter what she does.