Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Pictures (since I haven't posted any since before Christmas)

Em decorating her easter egg cookie

Em at her school Easter egg hunt

Lily and her animals

Not sure why she wanted me to take a picture of her teeth

Easter day

Em and her Easter outfit
1st attempt at a picture of Lily

2nd attempt

Everyone was looking for eggs except Lily.  She loved this little house.  We're definitely getting one for the summer

Sweet Em.  I can't believe how fast she's grown up

The end is nearing....insert panic here

Less than a month and I'll finally graduate. I say finally because seeing is how I've been out of high school for 11 years I should have graduated college along time ago. These past 2 years have gone by so fast, I can hardly believe it's the end. I have some amazing people in my class and I hope our friendships last through the years.

As happy as I am about being finished with school, I'm also scared to death. I have no fear of graduating, I know I'm fine there. It's the whole registry exam stuff that freaks me out. I have severe test anxiety, so much so that my Dr. gave me something to help. It helps a little but it also makes me really tired. So it's a trade off. My first test I take the week of graduation and costs $190. IF I pass that the first time then I can take my second test which is $390. That all fine and dandy if I pass them the first time!! ((Insert panic here)) My biggest fear is that I'm going to fail a test and all that money went down the drain. It's really hard for me to focus thinking of all the things that I could buy with that money. I talked to a therapist yesterday who had to take her CRT exam 3 times and her RRT 2 times. That's a grand total of $1350!!! Please God let me pass the first time.
On a positive note, the end also means that we're that much closer to moving home. I've been trying not to get too excited about it. I think that it'll all sink in once I get a job somewhere. I've been looking like crazy in the fort worth area and some in Dallas. Of course there is way more in Dallas than Fort Worth, but I'm just not willing to spend half my life driving back and forth. I miss home and I have been away for way too long.

Monday, April 5, 2010

4 months, Really?!?!

I looked at someone's blog the other day and realized that it had been 4 months since I wrote a post. It really doesn't seem that long. Needless to say things have been crazy busy around here.I graduate in May and I am completely overwhelmed. I am terrified that I'm not going to be able to pass my CRT and RRT exams. After having a few dozen panic attacks, I'm sure I'll do just fine. I got accepted into the honor's society, which for me is a HUGE accomplishment. I'm that girl in high school that barely graduated because studying wasn't important. Things have changed alot since then.

Casey found out that he wasn't going to be able to stay in recruiting so a
fter many hours of "what ifs" we decided to get out of the airforce. This was a rea
lly hard decision to come to, especially in this economy. He wasn't looking forward to going back to a job he didn't enjoy and I wasn't looking forward to moving to God knows where. So we're officially moving back to DFW!!! I'm so excited. I'm going to be moving back this summer to get a job, then I'll bring the girls down sometime at the end of summer so Em can start Kindergarten (that's another post)
. Casey's last day would be March 15, 2011 but since he has so much leave saved off he's done in December. So he will stay here until December.
The girls are doing good. Em loves school, I think she's g
oing to be that kid that always wants to be the teacher's pet. She's such a sweet little girl. Lily is talking like crazy!! I could sit and list
en to her sweet little voice all day. She's such a goof, if you've met Lily you'd understand.