Now that today is almost over it's really hit me that my sweet baby is one. I've been dreading this day for weeks now. It just doesn't seem possible that a year could go by so fast, I swear it was just yesterday that I got to see her for the first time. Lily is such an amazing baby and she's truely been a blessing to have. She's the happiest baby and very rarely cries. Which after having Emilee Lily seemed like a breeze.
December 17, 2007
Casey and I woke up to go to the hospital for my scheduled c-section at 5 am. My surgery was scheduled for 7. Everything went well except for the waiting. I'm not a very patient person to begin with so when my start time kept being pushed back I got really anxious. Finally they wheeled me back to the operating room to get started. It took the dang anesthesiologist 35 minutes to give me my spinal. It was the most uncomfortable and painful thing I've ever been through, nothing like when I had Emilee. Once all that was in place they let Casey in and the doctor did his work. Lily Ryan Davis was born at 9:06 am and was 7 lbs. 6 oz and 19 1/2 inches long.
While I was pregnant with Lily I always worried that I wouldn't think she was as cute as Emilee and was scared that I would love her as much as I did Emilee. That was far from the case. It was love at first sight and she was just as beautiful as her sister. At first they really didn't look much alike but it didn't take long for that to change. I love the saying "Children fill a whole in your heart you never knew existed". That sums it all up.
Here are some pictures of Lily over the past year. I still can't believe my sweet Lily is one.
Thanksgiving and Lily's b-day party
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